Differences between revisions 43 and 53 (spanning 10 versions)
Revision 43 as of 2017-12-14 13:31:51
Size: 1368
Revision 53 as of 2020-02-04 19:39:05
Size: 1449
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * [[HTTP|HTTP]]
 * [[MySQL|MySQL]]
 * [[Corosync and HA-proxy|Corosync and HA-proxy]]
 * [[Apache|Apache]]
 * [[Mariadb|Mariadb]]
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 * [[SMTP|SMTP]]
 * [[IMAP|IMAP]]
 * [[Postfix|Postfix]]
 * [[Dovecot|Dovecot]]
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''This project is based on the GNU/Linux software packaged by Debian, currently the stretch release. The information provided here will most likely work on other GNU/Linux systems as well. Basic knowledge of GNU/Linux commandline tools, file editing etc. is required to use and understand this guide.'' ''This project is based on the GNU/Linux software packaged by Debian, currently the stretch release. The information provided here will most likely work on other GNU/Linux systems as well. Basic knowledge of GNU/Linux commandline tools, file editing, network etc. is required to use and understand this guide.''

Its all about uptime!

The main goal is to go as close to no downtime as possible.

These are our worst foes

  • Power outage
  • Internet access
  • Hardware malfunction
  • Software updates

To get around this a redundant system has to be built. Realizing that a redundant system consists of many redundant parts, virtualization naturally comes to mind.

Configure your system

Manage Virtual Domains

Network Planning

Configure a Redundant Service

This project is based on the GNU/Linux software packaged by Debian, currently the stretch release. The information provided here will most likely work on other GNU/Linux systems as well. Basic knowledge of GNU/Linux commandline tools, file editing, network etc. is required to use and understand this guide.


None: Uptime (last edited 2021-12-31 11:46:57 by Kristian Kallenberg)