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Revision 46 as of 2017-12-13 09:15:22
Size: 863
Revision 47 as of 2017-12-13 09:17:09
Size: 886
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=== DNS changes ===


The Domain Name System is really a must for any TCIP/IP network. It is a key component of the network. That is why it is the first service we will configure.

Here we will be using Bind, ISC's DNS server. Bind has a master/slave configuration, where the master gets the DNS changes and then updates the slave. It cannot run truly redundant, in the sense that only the master is allowed to get DNS changes, if the master is down, the slave cannot be updated.

In this setup we use the following IP-addresses for the master and slave:

  • master
  • slave

Configure the master, then the slave.


DNS changes

Once both servers are configured, it is vital to stop making changes to the zone files by hand. From now on DNS changes has to be made with nsupdate using the update key.

None: DNS (last edited 2021-01-17 20:10:16 by Kristian Kallenberg)