KVM Host Operating System

Install Debian

Define your disk layout, then go ahead and install Debian. This will be a headless system, so there is really no reason to install any GUI on the KVM Host. Boot into the installed system.

Setting the Time

For many reasons it is a really good idea your systems keeps the correct time. This is done using NTP.

apt-get install sntp
sntp pool.ntp.org
dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
hwclock --systohc
systemctl disable systemd-timesyncd
apt-get install chrony

Locate Your Files

Being able to locate different files on the system is invaluable.

apt-get install mlocate

Power Button

Make sure that pressing the power button is handled properly.

apt-get install acpid

Console Fonts

Avoid having itty bitty tiny characters in your framebuffer. Edit /etc/default/console-setup.


Restart the console-setup service.

service console-setup restart


Make sure downloaded .deb files are removed after they have been installed. We do this to save space on the KVM host, and should have footprint as small as possible.

echo "APT::Keep-Downloaded-Packages \"false\";" > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01keep-debs