Differences between revisions 3 and 9 (spanning 6 versions)
Revision 3 as of 2017-10-10 22:27:04
Size: 724
Editor: shran
Revision 9 as of 2017-10-10 22:40:56
Size: 1346
Editor: shran
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== KVM Host Disk Layout == = KVM Host Disk Layout =
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This disk layout has several layers. It uses btrfs on top of lvm on top of luks encryption on top of raid on top of the disks partitions This disk layout has several layers. It uses btrfs, on top of LVM, on top of luks encryption, on top of raid, on top of the disks partitions.
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=== KVM Host === == Hardware ==
Two 16G SSD disks are used for the KVM Host. Two 2T SATA disks are used for the KVM Guests filesystem images.
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==== Physical Disks ====
=== KVM Host Disks ===

==== Physical Disks and Partitions ====
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==== Filesystems and mountpoints ==== ==== Filesystems and Mountpoints ====
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=== KVM Host Disks for Guest Filesystem Images ===

==== Physical Disks and Partitions ====

sdc 2T
sdc1 1856G
sdd 2T
sdd1 1856G

==== Raid ====

md2 raid1 (sdc1, sdd1)

==== Luks ====

md2 luks (md2_crypt)

==== LVM ====

md2_crypt lvm (vg2)

==== LVM volumes ====

vg2 media 4G (/dev/vg2/media)

==== Filesystems and Mountpoints ====
/dev/vg2/media /mnt/media (btrfs)

KVM Host Disk Layout

This disk layout has several layers. It uses btrfs, on top of LVM, on top of luks encryption, on top of raid, on top of the disks partitions.


Two 16G SSD disks are used for the KVM Host. Two 2T SATA disks are used for the KVM Guests filesystem images.

KVM Host Disks

Physical Disks and Partitions

sda     16G
sda1   256M
sda2 15360M

sdb     16G
sdb1   256M
sdb2 15360M


md0 raid1 (sda1, sdb1)
md1 raid1 (sda2, sdb2)


md1 luks (md1_crypt)


md1_crypt lvm (vg1)

LVM volumes

vg1 root   2G (/dev/vg1/root)
vg1 swap 512M (/dev/vg1/swap)

Filesystems and Mountpoints

/dev/vg1/root /     (btrfs)
/dev/md0      /boot (btrfs)
/dev/vg1/swap       (swap)

KVM Host Disks for Guest Filesystem Images

Physical Disks and Partitions

sdc     2T
sdc1 1856G
sdd     2T
sdd1 1856G


md2 raid1 (sdc1, sdd1)


md2 luks (md2_crypt)


md2_crypt lvm (vg2)

LVM volumes

vg2 media 4G (/dev/vg2/media)

Filesystems and Mountpoints

/dev/vg2/media /mnt/media (btrfs)

None: KVM Host Disk Layout (last edited 2024-01-29 20:16:56 by Kristian Kallenberg)