KVM Host Booting from Luks Encryption

While encrypting your disks is a good idea, it also presents you with the problem that you have to enter the passphrase when booting the system. Running the KVM Host as a headless system with no keyboard attached really introduces a problem. Entering the passphrase is what the security is about, so circumventing this is really hosing you security.

Add a New Luks Key

Find yourself a good passphrase.

$ echo -n "uptime" | md5sum | dd of=keyfile_md1 bs=1 count=32

Add the New Key.

# cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/md1 keyfile_md1 
Enter any existing passphrase:

Put the Key on A USB Storage Device

Insert your usb storage device, has to hold 32 bytes, hard to find a device that small I use a 4GB usb storage device myself. Make the usb storage device look like its just garbage data.

# dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sde

Put the key on it.

# dd if=keyfile_md1 of=/dev/sde

Getting the Initramfs

ok now we have the key on our usb-storage device. Next we need to initrd image to be able to use that information.


while [ ! -e /dev/mapper/${TARGET} ]
        while read a b c DEVICE
                if [ ! -e /dev/mapper/${TARGET} ]
                        if [ -e /dev/${DEVICE} ]
                                #echo -n "$DEVICE "
                                dd if=/dev/${DEVICE} of=proposedkey bs=1 count=32 > /dev/null 2>&1
                                cryptsetup luksOpen ${SOURCE} ${TARGET} --key-file proposedkey > /dev/null 2>&1
cryptsetup luksClose /dev/mapper/${TARGET}
cat proposedkey

this script is not optimized in any way, but it checks all partitions in /proc/partitions until it finds a valid key. Save the script as root/install/luks/keyscript.sh

now edit /etc/crypttab

md1_crypt UUID=72deeb7f-2289-40c5-99c1-52238afb78ef none luks

becomes md1_crypt UUID=72deeb7f-2289-40c5-99c1-52238afb78ef none luks,keyscript=/root/install/luks/keyscript.sh

update-initramfs -u update-grub

reboot and test