Differences between revisions 39 and 42 (spanning 3 versions)
Revision 39 as of 2017-12-21 21:25:08
Size: 4457
Revision 42 as of 2017-12-21 21:32:18
Size: 4616
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 77: Line 77:
from gluster01
connect with the other gluster servers
=== Introduce Servers ===
The glusterfs servers need to now each other. This can be done from any one server. Here we will do it from gluster01. We need to introduce the three other servers.
Line 85: Line 85:
check server status
=== Server Status ===
Now check that the servers were properly probed.
Line 104: Line 104:
create the gluster volume. the force option is needed because we are creating the volume on a mountpoint. === Create Volume ===
Create the gluster volume.
Line 106: Line 107:
 gluster volume create www replica 4 transport tcp gluster01:/srv/www/brick gluster02:/srv/www/brick gluster03:/srv/www/brick gluster04:/srv/www/brick gluster volume create www replica 4 transport tcp gluster01:/srv/www/brick gluster02:/srv/www/brick gluster03:/srv/www/brick gluster04:/srv/www/brick
Line 108: Line 109:
start the volume
Line 110: Line 110:
=== Start Volume ===
Finally we can start the volume.
Line 111: Line 113:

root@gluster01:/srv/www# gluster volume start www
volume start: www: success
root@gluster01:/srv/www# gluster volume status
gluster volume start www
=== Volume Status ===
Lets check the status of the volume
gluster volume status


GlusterFS is a distributed filesystem. It has built in redundancy, so it is possible to run two servers which automatically replicate files between the servers. If one server goes down, the other just takes over. Once it comes up again, files are automatically replicated. Here we will use GlusterFS as a redundant network mounted file storage.

For the sport of it, we will configure 4 GlusterFS servers.


The GlusterFS servers will have fixed IP-addresses. That is configured in the DHCP servers list of statically assigned IP-adresses by using the Domains MAC address.

  • gluster01
  • gluster02
  • gluster03
  • gluster04


Add hardware

To keep things separated the OS will be on one disk and the glusterfs filesystem will be on another disk. We will add a disk to the domain. This disk will be used for the glusterfs file storage.

Configure disk


Create one large partition on /dev/vdb with partition type 8e Linux LVM.


Set up a new physical volume, configure a volume group and add a volume

pvcreate /dev/vdb1
vgcreate vg2 /dev/vdb1
lvcreate --size 4G --name gluster_www vg2


Create a filesystem on the volume.

mkfs.btrfs /dev/vg2/gluster_www


Create the mountpoint.

mkdir /srv/www


Add the volume to /etc/fstab.

/dev/vg2/gluster_www /srv/www               btrfs   defaults        0       0


Mount the new volume.

mount /srv/www

If the mount command does not succeed, it it most likely because the fstab entry is incorrect.


Mount Point

Glusterfs is not happy about using a directory which is also a mountpoint.

volume create: www: failed: The brick gluster01:/srv/www is a mount point. Please create a sub-directory under the mount point and use that as the brick directory. Or use 'force' at the end of the command if you want to override this behavior.

If for some reason the filesystem is not mounted, then glusterfs might misunderstand the situation and tell the other servers that the directory is now empty, and all files would be deleted on all servers. To avoid this a directory is created under the mount point.

mkdir /srv/www/brick


Install the server.

apt-get install glusterfs-server

Introduce Servers

The glusterfs servers need to now each other. This can be done from any one server. Here we will do it from gluster01. We need to introduce the three other servers.

gluster peer probe gluster02
gluster peer probe gluster03
gluster peer probe gluster04

Server Status

Now check that the servers were properly probed.

gluster peer status
Number of Peers: 3

Hostname: gluster02
Uuid: 031573c2-3b1f-4946-bd78-421563249db6
State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)

Hostname: gluster03
Uuid: ff5cec1c-6d7f-4db7-8676-08deff06b4d0
State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)

Hostname: gluster04
Uuid: 65fc398a-52e9-4292-9bbb-884becfbf5d6
State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)

Create Volume

Create the gluster volume.

gluster volume create www replica 4 transport tcp gluster01:/srv/www/brick gluster02:/srv/www/brick gluster03:/srv/www/brick gluster04:/srv/www/brick

Start Volume

Finally we can start the volume.

gluster volume start www

Volume Status

Lets check the status of the volume

gluster volume status
Status of volume: www
Gluster process                             TCP Port  RDMA Port  Online  Pid
Brick gluster01:/srv/www                    49152     0          Y       826  
Brick gluster02:/srv/www                    49152     0          Y       1355 
Brick gluster03:/srv/www                    49152     0          Y       1034 
Brick gluster04:/srv/www                    49152     0          Y       1135 
Self-heal Daemon on localhost               N/A       N/A        Y       846  
Self-heal Daemon on gluster02               N/A       N/A        Y       1377 
Self-heal Daemon on gluster03               N/A       N/A        Y       1054 
Self-heal Daemon on gluster04               N/A       N/A        Y       1155 
Task Status of Volume www
There are no active volume tasks

None: GlusterFS (last edited 2021-03-26 21:17:29 by Kristian Kallenberg)