Differences between revisions 3 and 14 (spanning 11 versions)
Revision 3 as of 2017-10-12 22:54:27
Size: 1042
Editor: shran
Revision 14 as of 2017-11-11 22:05:00
Size: 1514
Editor: shran
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Once a template system has been installed, that system can be cloned. Use the following script to clone your template Once a template system has been installed, that system can be cloned. `virt-clone` will automatically change the MAC address of your network device.

== Cloning ==

Use the script below to clone your template.
Line 8: Line 12:
Line 15: Line 20:
if [ $# -eq 0 ] if [ $# -gt 0 ]
Line 17: Line 22:
        echo "${0}: domain-name"
Line 33: Line 36:
Line 34: Line 38:
Make a clone.
./clonedomain.sh clone
Line 35: Line 42:

== Cleanup ==

=== Hostname ===

Your new system will need a new hostname

 * /etc/hostname
 * /etc/hosts

sed -i 's/stretch-template/clone/g' /etc/hosts
sed -i 's/stretch-template/clone/g' /etc/hostname

=== sshd ===

Make sure the ssh public/private keys are unique.

rm /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*
dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server

Domain Cloning

Once a template system has been installed, that system can be cloned. virt-clone will automatically change the MAC address of your network device.


Use the script below to clone your template.


   1 #!/bin/sh
   3 LVM_GROUP="vg2"
   4 NAME_ORIGINAL="stretch-template"
   6 LVM_SIZE_ORIGINAL=`lvs /dev/${LVM_GROUP}/${LVM_NAME_ORIGINAL} -o LV_SIZE --noheadings --units B --nosuffix`
   7 NAME_CLONE="stretch-clone"
   8 LVM_NAME_CLONE="kvm_${NAME_CLONE}_vda"
  10 if [ $# -gt 0 ]
  11 then
  12         NAME_CLONE=${1}
  13         LVM_NAME_CLONE="kvm_${NAME_CLONE}_vda"
  14 fi
  16 if [ ! -e /dev/${LVM_GROUP}/${LVM_NAME_CLONE} ]
  17 then
  18         # create lvm partition
  19         lvcreate --size ${LVM_SIZE_ORIGINAL}B --name ${LVM_NAME_CLONE} ${LVM_GROUP}
  21         # clone the domain
  22         virt-clone --original ${NAME_ORIGINAL} --name ${NAME_CLONE} --file /dev/${LVM_GROUP}/${LVM_NAME_CLONE} --check path_in_use=off,path_exists=off
  23 else
  24         echo "${0}: refusing to overwrite existing domain"
  25 fi

Make a clone.

./clonedomain.sh clone



Your new system will need a new hostname

  • /etc/hostname
  • /etc/hosts

sed -i 's/stretch-template/clone/g' /etc/hosts
sed -i 's/stretch-template/clone/g' /etc/hostname


Make sure the ssh public/private keys are unique.

rm /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*
dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server

None: Domain Cloning (last edited 2021-12-31 14:57:50 by Kristian Kallenberg)