Differences between revisions 1 and 34 (spanning 33 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2017-10-12 22:50:14
Size: 1032
Editor: shran
Revision 34 as of 2018-01-03 21:06:14
Size: 1659
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Once a template system has been installed, that system can be cloned. `virt-clone` will automatically change the MAC address of your network device.
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Once a template system has been installed, that system can be cloned. Use the following script to clone your template == Cloning ==
Use the script below to clone your template.
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{{{#!highlight bash
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if [ $# -eq 0 ]
if [ $# -gt 0 ]
Line 20: Line 20:
        echo "${0}: domain-name"
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Make a clone.
./domain_clone.sh clone
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== Console Access ==
Remove console access by [[Domain Editing|editing the domain]].

== Memory ==
Increase or decrease amount of memory by [[Domain Editing|editing the domain]].

== Network ==
For your convenience add the MAC address to the DHCP servers lits of fixed IP-adresses before starting the system for the first time. This way you know beforehand which IP-address to connect to.

== Guest OS ==
Continue by configuring the [[KVM Guest Operating System|KVM Guest Operating System]].

Domain Cloning

Once a template system has been installed, that system can be cloned. virt-clone will automatically change the MAC address of your network device.


Use the script below to clone your template.


   1 #!/bin/sh
   3 LVM_GROUP="vg_storage"
   4 NAME_ORIGINAL="stretch-template"
   6 LVM_SIZE_ORIGINAL=`lvs /dev/${LVM_GROUP}/${LVM_NAME_ORIGINAL} -o LV_SIZE --noheadings --units B --nosuffix`
   7 NAME_CLONE="stretch-clone"
   8 LVM_NAME_CLONE="kvm_${NAME_CLONE}_vda"
  10 if [ $# -gt 0 ]
  11 then
  12         NAME_CLONE=${1}
  13         LVM_NAME_CLONE="kvm_${NAME_CLONE}_vda"
  14 fi
  16 if [ ! -e /dev/${LVM_GROUP}/${LVM_NAME_CLONE} ]
  17 then
  18         # create lvm partition
  19         lvcreate --size ${LVM_SIZE_ORIGINAL}B --name ${LVM_NAME_CLONE} ${LVM_GROUP}
  21         # clone the domain
  22         virt-clone --original ${NAME_ORIGINAL} --name ${NAME_CLONE} --file /dev/${LVM_GROUP}/${LVM_NAME_CLONE} --check path_in_use=off,path_exists=off
  23 else
  24         echo "${0}: refusing to overwrite existing domain"
  25 fi

Make a clone.

./domain_clone.sh clone

Console Access

Remove console access by editing the domain.


Increase or decrease amount of memory by editing the domain.


For your convenience add the MAC address to the DHCP servers lits of fixed IP-adresses before starting the system for the first time. This way you know beforehand which IP-address to connect to.

Guest OS

Continue by configuring the KVM Guest Operating System.

None: Domain Cloning (last edited 2021-12-31 14:57:50 by Kristian Kallenberg)